Why cleaning out your junk drawer can be good for your health

This blog is a 3:15 min read

Stop and think about your home. Think about 2-3 (maybe 5 or 6 ??) spaces that are cluttered, not organized well, areas that you know you need to get to …one day…but just can’t seem to find the time to do something about. You throw it on your list and it gets perpetually bumped as more important things come up.

Of those spaces that came to mind, I want to you think about which one could realistically be done in 30 min or less. Maybe it’s a organizing a junk drawer, doing a fridge clean out, throwing out all those solo socks who lost their match years ago in the depths of the dryer.

Starting a new task can often feel overwhelming. The mere thought of tackling a big project or goal can sometimes deter us from even taking the first step. Decluttering your home is overwhelming, however focusing on one drawer, one closet, one shelf of the fridge is more doable. Now look ahead in your schedule for the next week and schedule in 30 minutes to tackle this task (Actually block out the time and add it into your calendar).

Did you know that decluttering areas of your life can help you focus on your health and make better choices?

A clean and organized living space plays a crucial role in enhancing our mental well-being and productivity. Research indicates that a tidy environment helps minimize distractions, allowing individuals to focus better on their tasks. With fewer visual clutter elements vying for attention, it's easier to concentrate, leading to improved productivity. Additionally, a clean space fosters mental clarity, as an orderly environment reduces feelings of chaos and overwhelm, enabling clearer thinking and better decision-making.

Moreover, maintaining a clean home contributes to effective time management, as designated spaces for belongings minimize the time spent searching for misplaced items. This organization not only saves time but also conserves mental energy for more productive activities. Living in a cluttered space can heighten stress and anxiety, while a tidy home promotes tranquility and relaxation. Furthermore, waking up to a clean environment can inspire motivation and a sense of accomplishment, setting a positive tone for the day. By integrating regular cleaning and organizing into our routines, we can create a conducive environment for a productive mindset.

  1. We all have so much mental clutter. Our to-do lists are loooonnnnnngggg. When we think about them it’s overwhelming, it’s hard to get started or know where to begin. By focusing on one thing and clearing some space (literally and figuratively) you have a starting point to break through it all. By breaking down the larger goal into smaller, manageable tasks, you not only make the process more approachable but also build momentum and motivation along the way.

  2. Momentum is key. You’ve likely heard that making your bed in the morning is an important task which helps you feel like you’ve achieved something and build on it as the day progresses. Decluttering and tackling an item that’s been sitting in the back of your head is key to getting the momentum snowball moving. If you only do that one thing, that’s awesome! A check off your list! However it’s very likely that it may domino into others areas of your day, week and life.

  3. Start small. I didn’t ask you to do a full Marie Kondo deep clean of your home, I asked you to think of one thing you could declutter or organize in 30 min or less. The same concept can be applied to your health & wellness goals. I don’t want you to build a schedule of 4 gym sessions a week, plus yoga, 2 runs, and 3 hours of meal prep. I want you to think about one thing you could do today, that would take 20 min or less, and be a positive drop in the health bucket. I want you to stop thinking you need to do it all, or there’s no point. Let’s look at smaller, more sustainable shifts that we can make (and stick to) each week, master those, and then in the future, add to them.

Okie…so what’s up first on that declutter list?


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